Tonight I took a trip down memory lane. Not in old picture books. Do you know there used to be such a thing?
Nope. I’m talking 2021 kinda memory lane…aka Youtube videos.
Lots of controversy surrounding the CG method lately. To follow or not to follow.
It’s no secret I haven’t followed for quite a few years. But those early days…
Just watching videos from a decade ago is enough to take me back to such sweet memories when I first got into this curly world.
I had loved curls since my 1980’s perm days, but this was something different.
This wasn’t a request to use the smallest blue rods and piggyback them into formation; this was an acceptance of my own bend and waves.
Not an alteration of what was but a celebration and liberation. And I was here for it.
All of it.
So devoted to it that I decided to dedicate my entire career to studying curly hair.
It wasn’t Devacurl that hooked me, although no-poo was my gateway into this movement. It had this minty smell with a slight tingle clean, and it was a vibe.
In 2009, a video of this lovely blonde woman with a soft English accent caught my attention. She was doing a demo dry cutting a curly-haired young lady, and I was intrigued.
I clearly remember thinking that is what I want to do. It just made so much sense. Why wouldn’t we just cut the hair right where it lived?
I already loved sculpting dry hair more than traditional style wet cutting. I found it much more creative and knew when I was in that flow; I produced my best work.
No doubt about it, she was my inspiration for becoming a curl specialist.
There’s something so pure and nostalgic about those early days. Whenever I feel disheartened by the commercialization of curls, I take a trip down memory lane.
It’s a gentle reminder of my why.
So grateful for this beautiful community.
The people. YOU.
It wasn’t and isn’t about the curls.
It’s about YOU.
Dedication and commitment to the ones who were traumatized by bad haircuts.
The more stories I heard behind the chair, the more determined I became to an advocate for acceptance of the hair you were born with.
The more I resolved to stand against conformity and help usher in a new way.
It was never to fill you up with overwhelming and confusing rules and terms.
Simplicity is where it all started.
A decade later, the only thing that’s changed is I’ve had to turn up the megaphone to clear through the noise.
Yet simplicity is still where it lands.